Morgantown in the morning. 6:00 am to be exact. I arrived in Morgantown this morning about 5:40 and got all my gear ready and airborne just before the 6:00 alarm went off on my iPhone. I had a really nice flight with the ride mostly smooth when below 150 feet. Right before the flight ended (about 45 minutes), it started getting a little bumpy so the coffee that was waiting on me at Duncan Donuts wasn't gonna be waiting long. I hope you enjoy the video and like us on Facebook at
Hi!, I’m Shane Watts and have been involved in the aviation community for 25+ years. I began my aviation career as an Air Traffic Controller serving in the United States Air Force. I truly enjoyed the time served and the opportunities I had along the way. I did see the world, sometimes with 80 pounds of gear with the 1st Combat Communications Group, and sometimes in Bermuda shorts and flips flops. I served as an air traffic controller, and simultaneously began flying in September of 1997. I soloed on my fourth training day. When I had made up my mind to learn to fly, I flew every single day, and sometimes twice. This strategy seemed to work and 3 weeks later I successfully flew my checkride. During my career I held Pilot-Controller Liaisons (PICLs) duties and was lucky enough to get rides in T37's, T38's, UH-1's, UH60's, T43's, and an F16! All in all 21 hours worth; now I have 1200+ hours and I love to fly and I try to get airborne as often as I can. The amazement of flying has never subsided in me. Recently (Aug 2010), I began Powered Paragliding and have met another long lived dream. I'm still flying fixed wing, but now I have an additional vehicle to get airborne.
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