Saturday, August 16, 2014

Cloud Hopping On The Delaware

Had an amazing flight this morning.  Lots of low level fog over the Delaware River but absolutely clear as a bell above it.  The ride was really smooth too so after a short solo flight, I went back and joined up with John and we flew out over the river and then back over the Pennsylvania countryside.  Even though I thought of Sweet Home Alabama, I was still riding above PA.  I hope you enjoy this flights video.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Van Sant Air Stroll

Went flying tonight at Van Sant and found the air to be absolutely glass smooth.  Not even a ripple!  Beth went with me to explore the countryside walking up and down the hills.  Had a crowd of folks show up and hang out for a bit, including the local Police Department. Maybe they'll all take lessons!   Hope you enjoy the view.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Van Sant Point Fog

Got in only 15 minutes this morning due to the fog rolling up the ridge lines and ascending onto Van Sant Airfield.  Still, it was a great 15 minutes and Milan met me there and took some great videos for me (Thank You Sir).  Milan will be starting PPG training very soon and is looking forward to get airborne.  Hope you enjoy the videos and we'll see you soon!

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