Saturday, May 14, 2011

Parajets and Rollercoasters

The weatherman said "Good To Go" but Mother Nature chuckled silently as she watched me putting my gear together to go flying. 
Vassilis was also out today in Morgantown and had brought along his new Wing and ParaJet paramotor.  Very nice setup indeed!
My launch ended up being a comedy act as I was pulled left and started running towards the bean fields.  Rather than harvest the crops I killed the motor and straightened out my wing to go again.  Vassilis' was ready to go so away he went with his new motor - which is very quiet and VERY powerful.  Once he got airborne he began a quick climb and then powered way back to avoid a self-induced airshow.  I launched next and immediately decided I wasn't loving the ride today.  Very lifty/sinky today and I elected to land and fly again later - when it would be much more enjoyable.  The only problem was, dispite how hard I tried, I couldn't lose altitude on short final and kept going around for another go.  Lot's of convective activity on the hill today and finally after a bunch of low apporaches, I was able to land.  Vassilis did the smart thing and killed his engine 1/4 mile final and rode the roallercoaster back to the field. 

Watching the video at YouTube in HD gives you the best picture.


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