Tow Behind PPG Camera
Just turned final approach into our Powered Paragliding field that we fly out of in Morgantown PA. We were testing a tow behind camera.

Touchdown in Waupauca
The completion of formation flight training in preparation for the first evern formation flight of 50 Cherokee aircraft doing a mass arrival into Oshkosh.

Mission Complete
The fun of Oshkosh just coming to an end and now its time to cleanup and get back to reality.

Evening Ride
This is actually my 2nd PPG flight ever. My buddy captured the flight in video and I took a snapshot from the final approach segment.

Saturday, August 16, 2014
Cloud Hopping On The Delaware

Had an amazing flight this morning. Lots of low level fog over the Delaware River but absolutely clear as a bell above it. The ride was really smooth too so after a short solo flight, I went back and joined up with John and we flew out over the river and then back over the Pennsylvania countryside. Even though I thought of Sweet Home Alabama, I was still riding above PA. I hope you enjoy this flights video.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Van Sant Air Stroll

Went flying tonight at Van Sant and found the air to be absolutely glass smooth. Not even a ripple! Beth went with me to explore the countryside walking up and down the hills. Had a crowd of folks show up and hang out for a bit, including the local Police Department. Maybe they'll all take lessons! Hope you enjoy the view.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Van Sant Point Fog

Got in only 15 minutes this morning due to the fog rolling up the ridge lines and ascending onto Van Sant Airfield. Still, it was a great 15 minutes and Milan met me there and took some great videos for me (Thank You Sir). Milan will be starting PPG training very soon and is looking forward to get airborne. Hope you enjoy the videos and we'll see you soon!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Van Sant to the Delaware - Scud Runnin'

Met two more PPGers this morning up at Van Sant airfield in Northern Bucks County. This is a great field to fly at and the folks there are wonderful. Also, got to meet two cool dudes, John & Milan. John has been flying about a year and Milan is just about ready to get started with lessons. Milan took some picks and shared them with us after the flight.
Hope you enjoy the video!
Hope you enjoy the video!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Massey Historic Aerodrome - Awesome!

On July 18, 2014, Powered Paragliders and a Powered Parachute descended upon Massey and proceeded to Fly, Camp, Hang Out, Tell Stories (lies) and BBQ through the weekend. The field is perfect and the folks are wonderful. We'll be back!
Ya'll should take the time to drive or fly over to Massey Aerodrome. There is a historic museum right on the field and aircraft parked out for your enjoyment. What a treat! Enjoy the vid!
Ya'll should take the time to drive or fly over to Massey Aerodrome. There is a historic museum right on the field and aircraft parked out for your enjoyment. What a treat! Enjoy the vid!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Kolb Return - And I Hit A Tree

Went flying at Kolb Field this morning with two of my flying buddies, Rob & Jim. Beautiful morning! Hit a tree! Thanks Marcus and Scott for the use of your field. It's a great place to fly! If ya'll haven't yet made it to Kolb, please do - it's a great field with nice and easy places to fly out to the West. You can pretty much fly all the way to Lancaster and stay over fields the whole time! This was a local area today. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Four Ship over Germansville

Four of us took off early this morning; two quads and Rob and I foot-launched. The quads sped off East-bound while Rob and I flew over Germansville, New Tripoli, and the surrounding country side for about an hour. The ride started getting bumpy as the wind speed picked up so we headed back and all met for a huge breakfast a the local cafe.
Hope you enjoy the video.
Hope you enjoy the video.
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Get Me On The Ground!

Drove down to Maryland this morning at 4:00 a.m. to get some air-time with Jesse and Marty. Arrived at 6:00 and started setting up. During the preflight I noticed that one of my motor mounts had split, so Jesse pulled his toolbox out of the truck and we swapped all of them out in a matter of minutes.
Now it was time to fly.
I took off first and immediately wished I hadn't left the ground. To me, it was like flying in a tornado and wasn't comfortable at all. In all fairness though, it wasn't beyond conditions I'd flown in before, but it had been a while and I had forgotten how bumpy, lifty, and sinky conditions could be and still safely flown in. I flew for only about 5 minutes before I decided that I wanted to land again and watch them fly.
After Jesse got back, we headed off to his shop him and Marty did a complete tune up on Shaniqua - my Fresh Breeze Monster Paramotor. So, instead of getting a long smooth flight in, I got a thorough tune-up and I cleaned her up. Just wait till next weekend!
Here's a short vid:
Now it was time to fly.
I took off first and immediately wished I hadn't left the ground. To me, it was like flying in a tornado and wasn't comfortable at all. In all fairness though, it wasn't beyond conditions I'd flown in before, but it had been a while and I had forgotten how bumpy, lifty, and sinky conditions could be and still safely flown in. I flew for only about 5 minutes before I decided that I wanted to land again and watch them fly.
After Jesse got back, we headed off to his shop him and Marty did a complete tune up on Shaniqua - my Fresh Breeze Monster Paramotor. So, instead of getting a long smooth flight in, I got a thorough tune-up and I cleaned her up. Just wait till next weekend!
Here's a short vid:
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Tres Amigos Above Ground Level

One of the great benefits of learning to fly Powered Paragliders is meeting the great people that are also into this sport as well. Great Folks for sure! Over the last two weekends, we've been overflying the countryside near Germansville and New Tripoli. Jeff and Rob and I flew formation and had a ball doing so. The ride was incredibly smooth and over the last couple of weekends, I've personally logged over 3 hours of airtime in this area. Have a look at the video footage and hopefully you'll enjoy the show and the landscape. Peace!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Spring Wing 2014

We had a ball down in Virginia over the long Memorial Day Weekend. What a blast! I took about 5 hours of video and slowly (but surely) getting to it. I hope to get the remaining edited up in the very near future. Each year the event is getting larger and I/We do hope ya'll decide to come down. Even if you're not flyers, there is always a party going on and a dead chicken on the grill somewhere. Hope to see you soon!
Take a look at the video, hope you enjoy! This was the first time I was using a GoPro chest harness and didn't realize that my knees would be showing up in the video. So, we'll call this one a first person view of the airport. If you sit on your keyboard it'll look like your legs are in the vid. lol
Take a look at the video, hope you enjoy! This was the first time I was using a GoPro chest harness and didn't realize that my knees would be showing up in the video. So, we'll call this one a first person view of the airport. If you sit on your keyboard it'll look like your legs are in the vid. lol
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Super Snow Bowl Sunday

Yesterday, Rob and I faced the Winter Chill and went PPG flying over Germansville and New Tripoli. A lot of the snow had melted but a fresh 8 inch coating was layed down this morning - and still falling by the way.
We enjoyed a thirty minute flight with temps between 15*F - 30*F depending on how high we were flying. I supposed the lower temps were wind chill inclusive.
Have a look at the video and hope you enjoy. We're planning on having a Spring Fly-In / Camp-In somewhere near here and of course our annual trip down to Campbell Field in the Spring as well.
We enjoyed a thirty minute flight with temps between 15*F - 30*F depending on how high we were flying. I supposed the lower temps were wind chill inclusive.
Have a look at the video and hope you enjoy. We're planning on having a Spring Fly-In / Camp-In somewhere near here and of course our annual trip down to Campbell Field in the Spring as well.